Hello, your monthly horoscope for July is here.

Add these dates to your G-Cal:

  • July 2nd : Mercury enters Leo
  • July the 5th : New Moon in Cancer
  • 11 July : Venus enters Leo
  • July 20: Mars enters Gemini
  • July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn
  • July 21: Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • 22nd of July : The Sun enters Leo
  • July 25: Mercury enters Virgo

Summer is finally here and you’re ready to make the most of it! The month kicks off with Cancer season. No matter your zodiac sign, you’re all about spending time with your loved ones and staying comfortable at home. Don’t be surprised if you’re hit with waves of nostalgia: Cancer season brings out the sentimental side in everyone!

There’s some confusion in the air at the start of the month when Neptune Retrograde begins in Pisces on July 2. You may find yourself reconsidering some of your current dreams in the coming months, or unable to distinguish fact from fiction. Be careful not to rely on vices or cross boundaries. On the same day, Mercury in Cancer gently connects with Neptune in Pisces, strengthening your intuition and leaving you full of creative inspiration. Mercury enters Leo later in the day, changing your communication style. Sure, you may start to exaggerate in the coming weeks, but you’re just trying to entertain your audience! Also on July 2, Venus in Cancer sways with Saturn in Pisces, encouraging you to discuss boundaries and commitments in your relationships.

The next day, hidden information stirs feelings of jealousy and drama as Mercury in Leo squares off with Pluto in Aquarius. Then, you’re ready to take calculated action when Mars in Taurus connects with Saturn in Pisces on July 5. Whatever you channel your energy into today has power, so make a plan and stick to it!

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Getty/Margie Rischiotto
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Getty/Margie Rischiotto
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Think you’re not compatible? You might be wrong
Getty/Margie Rischiotto

On July 5, the New Moon in Cancer ushers in a new chapter in your personal life. You might be releasing your past, experiencing changes in a family dynamic, or considering a move. Your relationships get some unexpected surprises when Venus in Cancer syncs with Uranus in Taurus on July 8. This is a great day to experiment in the bedroom or share a truth with a partner. The Sun in Cancer brushes against Saturn in Pisces on July 10, delivering grounding energy. You’re proud of your consistency over the past few months, and you might receive some recognition for all your hard work.

Romance is in the air on July 11 as Venus in Cancer nestles next to Neptune in Pisces. Relationships deepen, and you may feel swept up in the wave! This is beautiful energy for manifestation and creativity. That same day, Venus, the planet of relationships, enters Leo. Big, bold displays of affection are on the menu—launch your relationship with a vengeance! Re-ignite a flash mob! Hire a skywriter! But then you’ll need to explore the dark sides of your relationship, like feelings of jealousy or imbalance, when Venus in Leo locks eyes with Pluto in Aquarius on July 12. This energy will intensify on July 15 when Mars and Uranus, both in Taurus, meet in the sky, putting everyone on edge.

Solutions to your problems arrive when the Sun in Cancer mates with Uranus in Taurus on July 18. The news you learn today can be inspiring, liberating, and helpful. Mars in Taurus teams with Neptune in Pisces on July 20, boosting your creativity…and your libido. Enjoy! Mars, the planet of motivation and anger, enters Gemini later today. You’ll likely find yourself in an argument or two in the coming weeks, and it can feel impossible to keep up with all your texts, emails, and ideas.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 brings a moment of accomplishment, whether personal or professional. On the same day, Venus in Leo joins Jupiter in Gemini, and you’re feeling supported and grateful. It’s a great day to throw a party, go on a first date, or get together with loved ones. Later in the day, Mercury, the planet of communication, collides with unpredictable Uranus. Communication may feel abrupt, you may be struck by an exciting idea out of the blue, or you might run into someone you haven’t seen in a while.

The Sun enters Leo, its favorite sign, on July 22, and you’re ready to party! No matter your zodiac sign, Leo season is a great time to reconnect with your inner child or inner teenager: What used to make you happy? You might consider returning to old hobbies or interests in order to cultivate more joy and pleasure in your daily life. That same day, you’ll have to confront some hidden truths in your psyche when the Sun in Leo is in the sky on the other side of Pluto in Aquarius. Breakthroughs and healing can happen when you choose to be honest with yourself.

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo on July 25. Typically, this makes for clear communication, but Mercury is gearing up to turn retrograde in early August. Sorry! The next few days offer a glimpse into your personal Mercury retrograde story, so pay attention to what and who takes up residence in your mind. You get a big boost of confidence the same day the Leo sun sways with Gemini Mars. It’s a great day to post that sexy selfie, take a creative risk, or push yourself out of your comfort zone.

The month ends with Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer, turning retrograde in Aries on July 26. You may feel past pain returning and be tempted to turn to old coping mechanisms. Give yourself space and time to process the situation. It’s all part of your evolution.

Read your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign Horoscope for July 2024:













Portrait of Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She has studied the mystical arts for over a decade, including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderism, and more. She is the author of The Zodiac Seasons: Love, Magic, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on Today’s show as an expert in astrology and modern mysticism.

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